Joyce’s Astrology Reports
AstroAnalysis ... 30 pages. Easy to read, attractive format
Transit Analysis Daily Planning Guide

Joyce’s Astrology Books
Books A Beginner's Guide to Astrology | Breakthrough Astrology

Joyce’s Astrology & Self-Help CDs
CDs Astrology Series and Self Help

Joyce’s Astrology Lectures
Lectures Breakthrough Astrology | Mundane Cycles

e-Mail Order | Phone Order (617) 354-7075

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The accurate, affordable, insightful astrological report

"I can't believe how accurate it is!"
Norm Resha, WBZ Radio, Calling All Sports
"Learn about yourself through spiritual insights that you can use in a very practical way,"
Laurie Cabot, author, Power of the Witch and Love Magic.

AstroAnalysis shows your inner strengths and the challenges in your life.
Learn to balance and use planetary energies to your advantage. Explore major astrological factors in your natal chart, set up for your time and place of birth. Analyzes the Sun, Moon, and planets, their house positions and astrological relationships to one another.

30+ pages in an attractive, easy-to-read format. Your astrological chart gives you a clear view of what you're like. It reveals your natural talents and abilities, your strengths and weaknesses, how you relate to other people, what motivates you - the real you as shown in your birth chart. Each AstroAnalysis report is composed by internationally-known astrologer Joyce Levine. Her insights are remarkably to the point.

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Date & Time of Birth

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Date & Time of Birth

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Only $32.95 plus $6.00 shipping for the printed booklet. Only $25.00 to receive this report by email.
Something special for yourself, or someone who has everything

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Transit Analysis Daily Planning Guide
Based on your date, time, and place of birth, this daily forecast helps you lead a more successful life.  It identifies favorable days for taking action, enjoying yourself, and moving forward.  It also identifies more stressful timeframes, and helps you to work around challenging energies. 

The report identifies includes all major slow-moving transits that become exact during the specified timeframe.  Its concentration is on all day-to-day transits (except the Moon).  Each month is approximately 10 pages.

Available by email:

3 months
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6 months
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1 year
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Astrology Books

A Beginner’s Guide to Astrological Interpretation

This book shows the beginning astrology student and the astrology professional alike how to translate astrological symbolism into plain language that anyone can relate to. It covers planets, houses, signs and aspects and how to interrelate them all.


ISBN ISBN 1-885856-09-1. Retail $11.95    back to top

Breakthrough Astrology

For more than 30 years Joyce has been helping people recognize their natural abilities and use them to overcome their personal obstacles to success. Breakthrough Astrology gives you the keys to do this work on your own.

Joyce's new book is available now. Here's what people have to say about it.

"Astrology is such a useful tool for creating a healthy life. Breakthrough Astrology provides the reader with a practical, insightful guide to uncover their innate strengths and weaknesses."
Dr. Christiane Northrup
"There are parts of the psyche that usually don’t change much over time, such as our level of introversion and extroversion. Traditional astrology maps them very well. Then there are the exciting parts of us -the ones that we can mold and develop and transform. And it’s often difficult to find astrology books that even mention those evolutionary possibilities. Joyce Levine’s Breakthrough Astrology covers both bases in a sharp, telegraphic style. It leaves you encouraged, challenged and inspired - not just “described.” I recommend it wholeheartedly."
Steven Forrest,  Astrologer, Author - The Inner Sky


ISBN 1-57863-357-5. Retail $21.95    back to top

Meditation CD’s and Tapes

Featuring a Left Brain-Right Brain format …
Side 1 – Clear explanation and specific exercises that help you assimilate astrological information.
Side 2 – The guided meditation on this side brings results.
Features specially composed harp music and the soothing voice of Joyce Levine.

The Astrology Series -  Meditation CDs & Tapes

These CDs help you get the best results possible from astrological cycles.

Buy all 5 Astrology Meditation CDs, save 10%:
only $58.28 instead of $64.75
Pluto – The Shadow or The Light?

Let go of anger and fears. Develop faith. Get in touch with Pluto’s transformative qualities.

Track 1 - Integrating Pluto Cycles, guides you through Pluto transits and helps you deal with your unconscious motivations.
Track 2 guides you through a meditation to integrate Pluto’s energy into your psyche.

CD $12.95
Tape $11.95
Neptune – Spirituality or Escapism?

Unlock your capacity for creativity, love, and spirituality.

Track 1 - Integrating Neptune Cycles, provides an understanding of Neptune transits and helps you unlock your creative potential.
Track 2 guides you through a meditation that helps you let go of "fog and illusion," and create images of beauty and spirituality.

CD $12.95
Tape $9.95
Jupiter – Good Luck. Opportunity. Abundance

Track 1 - Integrating Jupiter Cycles, helps you make the most of Jupiter transits by recognizing how to expand your life, set new goals, and create abundance.
Track 2 guides you through a meditation that helps you realize the best that life has to offer.

CD $12.95
Uranus – Erratic Conditions and Upheaval, or The Freedom to Be Ourselves?

Track 1 - Integrating Uranus Cycles, helps you discover what true freedom means to you. It helps you identify what changes you need to make and how to make them.
Track 2 guides you through a meditation leading to a Uranian transformation.

CD $12.95
Saturn – Handling Responsibilities

Gain wisdom from experience. Develop positive karma.

Track 1 - Integrating Saturn Cycles, guides you through Saturn transits and teaches you what you need to learn from them.
Track 2 guides you through a meditation to help you gain positive results from Saturn.

CD $12.95

The Self Help Series - Meditation CDs & Tapes

Creative Visualization

Learn how to use your thoughts to create the life you’ve always wanted

Track 1 explains creative visualization and gives exercises.
Track 2, the meditation, guides you through relaxing the body, opening the chakras, and creatively visualizing what you desire.

CD $15.95
Tape $11.95
Releasing Anger and Resentment

Release hurtful and upsetting experiences of the past
Move on to the positive future you create.

Track 1 provides exercises for letting go.
Track 2 relaxes the body, opens the chakras, and guides you through a meditation for releasing anger and resentment.

CD $12.95
Tape $11.95
Contacting Your Guardian Angel

Learn how to connect with your Guardian Angel

Track 1 tells you the history of angels and reveals people’s experience with them. It gives you exercises that will help you contact your own Angel.
Track 2, the meditation, guides you through a relaxation. It takes you to your special place and introduces you to your Guardian Angel.

CD $12.95
Tape $11.95

Astrology Lectures

Breakthrough Astro/Psychological Obstacles
UAC Denver, 2008

1 hour 15 minutes
Our astrological charts show the sum total of our life potential. We each have inherent abilities, the things we do easily that express our highest potential. We also have inherent obstacles, the things we do just as easily that time and time again thwart our success or happiness. Problems stem from incompatible needs as defined by the planets, signs, and houses and from difficult aspects from the outer planets to the inner ones. This talk shows how to identify conflicting astro/psychological needs and provides practical insights as to how to overcome them.

CD $20.00  
Mundane Cycles–How We Can Predict What’s Likely to Happen in the World
UAC Denver, 2008

1 hour 15 minutes
Transits of outer planets, particularly Neptune and Pluto, reflect long-term social and economic trends. World events unfold as these planets change signs, interact with one another, and form aspects to the charts of countries and their leaders. This talk looks backward in history to see the correlations and then looks forward to project what’s likely to happen next.

Of particular note is the Pluto in Capricorn cycle from 2008-2024. This transit affects the underpinnings of the world economy. See how the Federal Reserve, World Bank, and World Trade Association are affected.

CD $20.00  

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or phone (617) 354-7075.

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