Meet the Democratic
Hillary Clinton was
born October 26,
1947 Chicago, IL.
There are two times
given for her birth
8:00 PM and 8:00
AM. I attended a
fund-raising event
for Hillary in
October 2005. I
asked her what time
she was born and she
told me 8 PM. 8 AM
has appeared in the
Clinton has the Sun,
Chiron, Venus, and
Mercury in Scorpio,
the Moon in Pisces;
Mars, Pluto, and
Saturn in Leo;
Jupiter in
Sagittarius, Ceres
in Taurus, and
Uranus in Gemini.
If she was born at
8:00 PM, (the time
she told me she was
born) she has late
Gemini or possibly
early Cancer
Rising. If she was
born at 8:00 AM, she
has Scorpio Rising.
a significant
Scorpio influence,
Clinton is intense
and all or nothing
about whatever she
does. She has a
deep, penetrating
mind, and is capable
of quickly getting
to the bottom line
on what may be very
complicated issues.
She is intuitive
about recognizing
other people's
motivations. She's
good at ferreting
out other people's
secrets, while
keeping her own.
she is incredibly
intelligent, having
a preponderance of
planets in water
signs, Clinton is
far more emotional
than she may appear
to be. The Moon in
Pisces gives her a
great deal of
compassion and
sensitivity for the
underdog. She cares
about those in need.
Mars, Pluto, Saturn
stellium in Leo
heighten her
determination. When
she wants something,
nothing else will
do. This gives her
great perseverance.
This combination,
plus her Scorpio
planets, also gives
her a prickly edge.
It's easy for her to
lash out if she
feels threatened.
Having a long
memory, she is not
likely to forget a
kind deed or an
unkind one.
the 8:00 PM time is
accurate, Clinton's
Moon is in the tenth
house of career,
reputation, and
public standing.
The Moon represents
women in general.
Clinton is the first
female candidate for
president to be
taken seriously.
Her candidacy
represents hope for
all women in the
political arena.
the 8:00 PM birth
time is accurate,
Clinton will run
into trouble in her
campaign in late
2007 early 2008 when
transiting Pluto
opposes her
Ascendant and
squares her Moon.
In February
transiting Saturn
will oppose her
Midheaven. There
will be stiffer
competition in the
run for the White
House than may be
apparent earlier in
2007. Her position
with women will not
turn out to be as
secure as she
the 8:00 AM birth
time is accurate,
the January
primaries will run
According to the
birth information I
have, Barack Obama
was born on August
4, 1961 at 1:15 PM
in Honolulu, HI. If
this is correct, he
has Scorpio Rising;
Mercury, the Sun,
and Uranus in Leo,
Pluto and Mars in
Virgo, the Moon in
Gemini, Ceres in
Taurus, Venus in
Cancer, Saturn in
Capricorn, and
Jupiter in Aquarius.
this time is
correct, Uranus sits
very close to
Obama's Midheaven,
and the North Node,
also in Leo, Pluto,
Mars are in the
tenth house. The
Midheaven and tenth
house represent
career, reputation,
and public esteem.
The Sun and Mercury
are also elevated
being in the ninth
house. This
combination of
planets straddling
the Midheaven helps
Obama to stand out
from the pack.
Uranus represents,
among other things,
revolution, and
Obama's candidacy
has been nothing if
not revolutionary.
He represents the
first AfroAmerican
to be taken
seriously as a
Moon in Gemini,
combined with his
Leo planets, helps
him connect with the
public. This
combination gives
him charm. His
message of hope and
change resonates
with the public. He
has the ability to
say the right thing
at the right time,
yet is not afraid to
mince words. His
most quoted
statement is
probably, "I am not
opposed to wars, I
am opposed to dumb
Transiting Chiron
will oppose Obama's
Sun in December and
Neptune will sit on
his Nadir during
January and
February. If there
is any "dirt" his
opponents can dig up
about him, it will
come out then. He
will still be
immensely popular,
but a smear campaign
is possible during
this timeframe, no
matter what the
truth is.
John Edwards
Edwards was born
June 10, 1953 at
7:02 AM in Seneca,
SC. Edwards has a
stellium in Gemini,
including the Moon,
Jupiter, Sun, and
Mars. Mercury,
Ceres, Uranus, and
the Ascendant are in
Cancer, Venus in
Taurus, Pluto in
Leo, Saturn and
Neptune in Libra,
Chiron in
four celestial
bodies in Gemini and
three in the twelfth
house, it's no
wonder that Edwards
amassed his fortune
as a trial lawyer
standing up for the
little guy against
interests. His
Gemini – Cancer
combination gives
him the ability to
relate to just about
anyone. And he
truly lives by home
and family values.
Uranus on the
Ascendant, Edwards
is his own person.
His stellium of
twelfth house
planets make him
truly an idealist –
and perhaps naïve as
Favorable aspects
from Jupiter help
Edwards out in the
January and February
primaries, but his
candidacy is likely
to run into trouble
in late February,
March, April, and
July. Mars, which
turned Retrograde in
November 2007, went
over his Ascendant
and back into his
twelfth house over
the coming months.
This will make him
more assertive on
the campaign trail.
It also warns that
he should be on
watch for his
physical well being
as Mars will
Retrograde back over
his Mercury in
Cancer and Mars in
Gemini in the
twelfth house of
"secret enemies."
Joyce Levine
specializes in
helping you
recognize your
natural abilities
and use them to
overcome your
personal obstacles
to success and to
take action at
precisely the right
time to achieve the
results you desire.
To discover how the
planets affect you,
call Joyce
617-354-7075 or
for an appointment.