Dangerous Times
Attack on Capitol January 2021
start with a quote from Hannah Arendt’s The
Origins of Totalitarianism, which is only
too appropriate at this time. “The
ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the
convinced Nazi or the convinced Communist, but
people for whom the distinction between fact and
fiction (i.e., the reality of experience) and
the distinction between true and false (i.e.,
the standards of thought) no longer exist.”
Many believed that when Mars turned Direct and
moved forward that the violence and destruction
would cease and that Jupiter and Saturn entering
Aquarius would lead to more civil times. I
never thought that to be true for many planetary
First, Eris, the planet associated with discord,
in Aries and Pluto, the planet associated with
death, in Capricorn, have been in square aspect
to one another since the spring of 2019. While
Eris and Pluto both have other connotations,
this particular one is fitting for this time.
This square continues throughout this year. So
based on this alone, conflict with unlikely to
Second, Aquarius is the sign of groups and
organizations. It is a fixed sign, with fixed
beliefs. While this might promote harmony
within a group, it does nothing for harmony
between groups. This can easily manifest as “my
group is better than your group” or “my beliefs
are the truth.” Aquarius is a fixed sign, with
rigid beliefs. Normally I use the modern
planets as rulers for the signs, but I have to
make an exception with Aquarius, which is seen
to be co-ruled by Saturn and Uranus. Saturn
rules tradition and conservatism; Uranus, free
thinking and revolution.
Jupiter is the planet of expansion and belief
systems. Saturn represents contraction and the
status quo. Jupiter wants to move forward.
Saturn looks to the past. This brings up the
question of what changes must be made to move
into the future and what must be preserved from
the past. And which past should be preserved.
On January 6, 2021, rioters attacked the US
Capitol. USA Today gives the time that rioters
began grappling with police on Capitol steps as
1:10 pm. Transiting Mars was at the Anaretic
degree of 29 Aries. Twenty-nine degrees of a
sign is considered a critical degree. It is
associated with a sense of urgency. Mars is the
god of war. And Aries can represent the first
soldier over the hill.
In addition, transiting Pluto and Mercury in
Capricorn (in the 9th house)
straddled the Midheaven of the chart along
Saturn and Jupiter in the 10th
house. The 10th house represents
authority, i.e. the President encouraging his
followers to commit acts of violence.
Sadly, the other planetary positions clearly
demonstrate this. Mars was still within orb of
a square aspect to Pluto and Mercury and
applying to the exact square of Saturn and
Jupiter and to the conjunction of Uranus in
Mars was in the 12th house of hidden
enemies, along with Eris and Uranus. The Moon
at that precise time was in Libra having moved
past the square to the Sun in Capricorn and
applying to the oppositions of Eris and Mars in
Eris and squares of Pluto and Saturn in
At the time of this writing, the FBI has warned
of possible armed militia protests in all 50
states. The Capitol police have warned of three
more plots to attack the Capitol with the
largest armed protest in American history.
Sad to say, that the Inauguration chart for
noon, January 20, 2021, in Washington DC has
similar planetary positions to the time of the
Capitol attack. It clearly shows the
possibility of an armed uprising and life and
death danger to the President elect and those
While this is the immediate scenario, the
conflict is not likely to abate after the
inauguration. Saturn in Aquarius’ upcoming
square to Uranus in Taurus continues to pit the
status quo against change. And with both
Aquarius and Taurus as fixed signs, neither side
is likely to give in.
Want to find out about yourself, call Joyce
617-354-7075 or e-mail
for an appointment.
Joyce Levine specializes in helping people recognize their natural abilities and use them to overcome their personal obstacles to success and to take action at precisely the right time to achieve the results they desire.