Challenging April 2023 Solar Eclipse

This is a particularly challenging eclipse. The chart you see below is set up for Washington DC. for April 20, 2023 12:19 am.


The Rising degree of the eclipse is 26 degrees 59 minutes of Sagittarius. This is the degree of the Galactic Center, which sits at the center of our Milky Way Galaxy. 


The Galactic Center and is considered the source of energetic particles that bathe the Earth, making this eclipse critical for the United States and its position in the world.


The eclipse degree is 29 Aries 50 conjoining the North Node at 4 Taurus on one side and Eris and Jupiter conjoined at 24 Aries on the other. 


29 degrees of any sign is considered the “critical degree” that is Anaretic or fated. It is thought to be the most negative degree of the sign – and where the challenges of that sign must be faced. 


These Galactic Center and the 29th degree are considered “fated positions.” The Nodes have to do with the world. 


Eris is known as the dwarf planet of discord. I also look at Eris as the celestial body ruling women who stand up against the status quo. Jupiter is generally considered the planet of good fortune. But Jupiter also rules expansion – good things can get better and bad things can get worse. 


To make matters more challenging, Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, the god of war. Mars at this time is “out of bounds” (beyond the declination of the Sun). Effectively this means that Mars is out of control. 


Mars has been out of bounds since October 22, 2022 and will remain so until May 5. This timeframe has been particularly volatile – even for a country that has gotten used to mass shootings and violence.


Venus is also out of bounds. Venus rules love and socialization, women, and money.  So social boundaries are also disrupted. 


The eclipse occurs in the fourth house in the Washington DC chart. The fourth house rules opposition to the ruling party.


Since Venus is just past a square to Saturn in the second house of money, conflict over US finances is far from over.


Also the outspoken women in Congress are likely to be even more outspoken.  More extreme conflict over Roe vs. Wade as well as deficit spending is likely as well as conflict about the allocation of finances.


The Mercury – Uranus conjunction in Taurus furthers the possibility of disruption over finances.


And lastly, the most challenging aspects – the eclipse occurring within less than one degree from the square to Pluto. This is a dangerous planetary aspect – particularly with Mars out of bounds and Jupiter and Eris conjoining the eclipse.


The Sun represents the head of state – so even though this eclipse is in the fourth house and not the tenth, poses potential danger for President Biden – and also danger for Kevin McCarthy keeping his position as Speaker of the House.

Since the Sun rules heads of state and Pluto rules power struggles, increased conflicts among heads of state are also likely.


Relocating this chart to Beijing, puts the eclipse and surrounding planets in the tenth house of leadership. It’s likely that any protests against President Xi Jinping’s authority will be met with violent crackdowns. Hopefully this won’t give Xi impetus to invade Taiwan.


In Moscow, all of these planets fall in the twelfth house of hidden enemies. Possibilities ranges from an assassination attempt on President Putin to further crackdowns on any opposition.


 The Nodal axis at 4 degrees Taurus – Scorpio falls on Putin’s descendant – ascendant axis, making this an important eclipse in his presidency. The North Node in the seventh house generally gives power to the opposition. What’s a bit scary is that Putin’s Mars falls on the Washing DC ascendant in this chart.


Eclipses work out over a period of time from generally at least a few months before to up to a year afterward – so we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.




Joyce Levine of Cambridge, Massachusetts, is professional astrologer with 30+ years of experience. She works with individuals, couples, families, and businesses. She characterizes her work as helping her clients “overcome astro/psychological obstacles so that they can achieve their full potential.” Publications include Breakthrough Astrology, Transform Yourself and Your World, A Beginner’s Guide to Astrological Interpretation. Meditation CDs: Self Help: Chakra Meditation, Creative Visualization, Healing Anger and Resentment, Contacting Your Guardian Angel. Astrology Series: Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter. Joyce is the former Chair of NCGR and President of its Boston Chapter. She served on the UAC Committees of 2002 and 2018, and was the Regulus Award winner for Community Service at UAC 2012. She holds professional certification from NCGR-PAA and AFA. See


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617-354-7075 or e-mail for an appointment.

Joyce Levine specializes in helping people recognize their natural abilities and use them to overcome their personal obstacles to success and to take action at precisely the right time to achieve the results they desire.