A quick look at
Bernie Sanders’
chart. Sanders was
born on September 8,
1941 in Brooklyn,
New York. The time
of 12:27 p.m. has
been circulating in
circles, attributed
to a friend of
someone working on
the Sanders
campaign. While I’m
generally suspect of
unverified times,
this time does seem
to work very well
with Sanders’
current cycles
– so for purposes of
this delineation,
I’m using it.
In political
circles, there’s
always the question
“does the man make the times, or do the times make the man.”
political positions
have been consistent
throughout his
entire life,
although they have
been in and out of
favor with the
times. So now I’d
say that with the
Uranus/Pluto square
still in effect and
the Saturn/Neptune
square in full
force, Sanders time
has come. The
Uranus/Pluto square
brings forth
upheaval and change,
the little guy
against the status
quo. (I’ve been
waiting for years
for this square to
manifest in the U.S.
Now I’m hearing news
commentator saying
exactly what I have
been pointing
out—also for
years--that with the
last square in the
1930s, the U.S. got
Franklin Delano
Roosevelt and
Germany got Hitler.)
We can only hope for
the best now. The
square pits reality
against illusion.
The illusions of a
prosperous economy
are now being
The 12:27 p.m. time
gives Sanders
Scorpio Rising, puts
his Virgo Sun, North
Node, and Neptune in
the tenth house, as
well as Mercury in
Libra. Venus is in
Libra, Jupiter and
Uranus in Gemini,
Saturn in Taurus,
and Pluto in Leo.
The Moon and Mars
are conjoined in
Aries – and the Moon
conjoins the Uranian
planet Hades, all in
the fifth house.
The Moon/Mars
conjunction in Aries
gives Sanders his
fighting spirit. The
Uranian planet Hades
also conjoins the
Moon. Hades is often
found in charts of
people who work
with, and have deep
understandings, of
“those less fortunate.” Planets that fall in the tenth house contribute
to someone’s career
– and with three
planets here,
Sanders was sure to
stand out regardless
of what he chose to
do. The combination
of the Sun, North
Node, Neptune, and
Mercury point to
high ideals. (I
should also point
out that a less
interpretation is
possible – that of a
skilled con artist –
but I have to admit
that I’m a Sanders
fan, so that’s not
how I see him.)
However, these
planets do form
squares to Jupiter,
which can exaggerate
goals. Sanders is no
doubt an idealist,
yet his Neptune
forms a trine with
Saturn – the
possibility of
bringing dreams down
to earth.
Sanders was born
between two
eclipses, the lunar
on September 5,
1941, and the solar
on September 21.
Mars formed a
station two days
before his birth, so
is very close to
station in his
chart. A stationary
planet exerts an
incredible influence
on a person.
Interestingly, Mars
in Aries is in its
own sign, and Venus
in Libra is also in
its own sign. Venus
in Libra is the
epitome of social
grace. Mars in Aries
is the epitome of a
warrior. Scorpio
Rising adds passion
and determination,
as well as staying
Assuming this birth
time is accurate,
Sanders progressed
Midheaven has just
passed the
conjunction to his
Ascendant, giving
prominence to his
authority and
career. His
progressed Ascendant
will parallel the
Midheaven in June,
reinforcing this
aspect. In September
of 2015, transiting
Uranus conjoined his
Moon and transiting
Jupiter conjoined
his Midheaven and
entered the tenth
house. This
combination gave him
“luck” and optimism
and enhanced his
fighting spirit.
Transiting Saturn in
the first house
opposed his Uranus
also in September,
contributing to his
building a structure
to move his campaign
forward. In
October, Jupiter
conjoined his
Sun—more optimism,
good luck, and
Transiting Pluto
formed a trine to
his Sun in January
as transiting
Jupiter conjoined
his North Node and
transiting Neptune
opposed his
Midheaven. It’s
very likely that
Sanders’ campaign is
a transformational
experience for him
as well as for the
country, providing
hope, and perhaps a
little too much
Transiting Jupiter
conjoined his Sun
again in March as
Uranus formed a
sextile to his
Jupiter. In March he
won primaries in
Alaska, Hawaii, and
Washington and went
on to break his own
fund-raising record,
pulling in more than
$44 million – an
unheard of amount of
money from small,
individual donors
Transiting Saturn
formed a square to
his Sun in April,
coinciding with his
losses in New York,
Maryland, Delaware,
and Connecticut.
Transiting Uranus
will oppose his
Venus in May, which
perhaps indicates a
shakeup in his
campaign staff – or
possibly more
protests against the
establishment by his
female supporters.
Transiting Uranus
will conjoin his
Mars in June, and
transiting Jupiter,
his Sun, so it’s
unlikely that he’s
giving up his fight
and that there is
still room for him
to maneuver and take
more delegates.
The North Node will
join his Sun in
July, and Pluto will
form an exact trine
to it in August as
Jupiter forms a
sextile to his
Ascendant and
conjoins Neptune.
The Democratic
Convention is July
25 to 28, so the
Sanders’ wing of the
Democratic Party
will have a
influence of the
On a less fortunate
note, solar arc
Pluto will oppose
Sanders’ Sun in
August. I suspect
the Democratic
National Committee
will look to seek
its revenge after
the convention.
However, no matter
what happens in this
election process,
Sanders has started
a movement that will
move into the
future. |